Blair's Texas Window Tinting and more        call (972) 783-6005

How long will it take to tint my car?

Should I remove my old film myself?
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How long will it take to window tint my car?   

Usually we tell people to figure on 1 day in most cases ( drop it off in the morning and pick it up in the evening ). Sometimes customers have to wait with their cars while the window film is installed. In these cases figure on 2 to 4 hours to do it right without rushing through the installation. We suggest customers, if interested in having window tinting done, give us a few days notice to set up an appointment so everything rolls smoothly. Most window film jobs are completed within 1 day. Figure on a 1 to 2 day drying period after installation meaning that the window (s) can not be rolled down or worked during that time. The fresh window film appears a little blurry during the drying period which is not to be mistaken for problems. We usually tell people to give things a week. And after this time something still doesn't look right then please don't be bashful and let us know. Window films do take two weeks to fully cure (in most cases) to look like they are supposed to, but the window (s) can be rolled down and worked 1 to 2 days after installation. You can call for an appointment at Blair's Texas Window Tinting & more in Dallas TX. (972)783-6005 during our normal business hours.


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